Read It First Wow My Post Ranked On 6th In search Result?

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Hey guys i want to share something great that happen with me.I ranked 6th in search result when i search "tips before you start your new blog".It makes me more happy than i imagine.

See How This Happen To Me
Just 1 day ago i am getting to much traffic to my one post which is "10 Tips Before You Start Your New Blog".I am new blogger and i doesn't know how this happen to me.

I just check my analytics where this traffic is coming from,it show me from search traffic.Then i search for this in google and "yup" my post is on 6th rank of search result in india.And also it is on 2nd page of result in the world.I am so happy that it brings my first success in blogging.

When i started blogging i doesn't know how to blog and how we can make money from.I blog just for fun but now i know power of blog and how to drive visitors to blog.

I am not a full time or professional blogger but now i am taking this seriously.

Here Is The Proof Of It
how to rank high in search engines

 Also you can check by writing "tips before you start your new blog" in google.
Thanks for reading this article.Please share this with your friends to tell them about my success.


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